Thursday 26th of April 7-9PM
Location: Maker’s Space, Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniementie 9
Doors close at 7:20PM
On Air and Imaginaries
Lecture performance by Hanna Husberg (developed in collaboration with Agata Marzecova)
At the intersection of philosophy, politics, science, and lived experience On Air and Imaginaries speculates on some of the possibilities offered by the changing imaginaries of air. Because of its invisibility air is mostly mediated through scientific instruments and measurements, and through language. In China the introduction of the new concept of wumai (health threatening smog), and the successive datafication of air, as air became this number PM 2.5, have produced a different augmented air, affecting ways in which air is experienced.
John Luther Adams Become Ocean
Presented by Carolyn F. Strauss, Director of Slow Research Lab
Life on this earth first emerged from the sea. As the polar ice melts and sea level rises, we humans find ourselves facing the prospect that once again we may quite literally become ocean.
An immersive listening experience of Become Ocean (2013), the pulitzer prize winning composition by John Luther Adam that probes humanity’s existence on a water planet. Presented in Finland for the first time, the surround sound listening environment invites participants to close their eyes and imagine the slow emergence of life onto land and its return to the ocean that might be sooner than we think.
Courtesy of Slow Research Lab