Education / Culture Program
Fri, Otakaari 1X (A235)
13:00 Debbie Auriffeille: Doing change from the Inside Out: A Qualitative Interview Examination of Parents’s Accounts of Their Everyday Green Lifestyles
13:30 Michael Barber: Pragmatic everyday life: Impetus/Obstacle to Knowledge and the Relevances that Resist It
14:00 Monica Tennberg: Arctic urban heterotopias
14:30 Ilona Taimela: TBA
Doing change from the Inside Out: A Qualitative Interview Examination of Parents’s Accounts of Their Everyday Green Lifestyles
Debbie Auriffeille,
Associate Professor Sociology and Anthropology Department College of Charleston
Fri 13:00, Otakaari 1X (A235)
I am presenting an analysis of 48 qualitative interviews that I conducted in 2016 with parents of young children about their experiences with living green lifestyles while engaging in everyday parenting. In the tradition of naturalistic inquiry, I utilized a semi-structured interview guide and conducted the interviews in a conversational style. I draw on Social Practice Theory to show how everyday change comes as much, and possibly even more, from the doing of everyday routines as it does from people’s ideas, political orientations, and attitudes. Importantly, this body of theory highlights how change can come from the inside out of people’s daily activities, or doings. In a capitalist global economic system where the imperative is for the economy to constantly grow, it is important to examine the global political/economic structures that support this socially and environmentally unsustainable system.
Debbie McCarthy Auriffeille is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the College of Charleston, South Carolina. She teaches and researches interdisciplinary topics in environmental and urban sociology. She is currently analyzing data from her qualitative interview study on green parenting. Once done with this project, she plans to combine her green parenting data and her previous bike commuter data in a book length application of the Social Practice Theory framework to the study of everyday environmental change. Debbie lives in Charleston South Carolina with her husband JF, 6 year old son Gaspard, and their increasingly cranky, yet still very loving, 14 year dog Fenny.
Pragmatic everyday life: Impetus/Obstacle to Knowledge and the Relevances that Resist It
Michael D. Barber
Fri 13:30, Otakaari 1X (A235)
In everyday life, we commence the search for knowledge by seeking pragmatic mastery through bodily movement and typifications in pursuit of relevances extending from automation to handling higher imposed relevances. But this pursuit of mastery suppresses knowledge by resorting to excessive efforts to protect institutions, dominate opposing social groups, and ward off menacing philosophical questions. Non-pragmatic provinces of meaning, such as theory, make resistance possible via distinctive relevances strengthened by the encompassing features of a province of meaning.
Michael Barber graduated from Yale University in 1985 and is currently Professor of Philosophy at Saint Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri. He is the author of seven books and over 80 articles, mostly dealing with the phenomenology of the social world. His biography of Alfred Schutz, The Participating Citizen, won the Ballard Prize in 2007, and his most recent publication, Religion and Humor as Emancipating Provinces of Meaning, was published by Springer Press in 2017.
Arctic urban heterotopias
Monica Tennberg,
research professor
Fri 14:00, Otakaari 1X (A235)
Life in the Arctic is increasingly urban. Rovaniemi city provides a case to discuss Arctic urbanism in practice. The city brands itself as an Arctic capital city, a centre of administration, transportation and business as well as major attraction for tourists. The presentation will discuss heterotopian practices of Arctic place making in urban everyday life. The analysis provides an analysis of rather paradoxical aesthetics of the city, also sometimes described as a non-place without a sense of history, locality and authencity.
Monica Tennberg is a research professor and leader of social sciences based sustainable development research group at the Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, Finland. The study of political Arcticness is a major theme in her work. The presentation is based on her current research about Arctic urbanism in everyday life.
More information here.
Ilona Taimela
Fri 14:30, Otakaari 1X (A235)