Let Us See What Love Can Do (Participatory Performance)
duskin drum & Peter Jones
Material Relations, SAS, U. of Tyumen
Fri, 16:00, Otakaari 1X (A235)
Please, bring a story or object from your research or creative work. This participatory ethnographic workshop based on innovations from devised theatre and dance will collaboratively investigate loving material relations. Through somatic tuning, conversation, and improvisation, we will consider how concepts and practices of love pervade and shape our being together. Then we will ask how apprehending, amplifying, and enunciating love in material relations can help mitigate and negotiate sustenance in the contexts of social and ecological consequences of industrial ecology.
At the School of Advanced Studies, duskin drum is a founding professor and researcher in the Material Relations team. He is an interdisciplinary scholar, artist, performer, and woodsman. In 2017, he completed a doctorate in Performance Studies with designated emphases in Native American Studies, and Science and Technology Studies at University of California, Davis. In 2005, he earned a Bachelors of Arts studying interdisciplinary theatre and performance at Evergreen State College. For 15 years, duskin has been making art and performance in Asia, Europe and the Americas.